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Beach Vacation Tips

We understand that you chose your Myrtle Beach vacation rental for one thing:  FUN!  We want you to make the best out of your vacation and have fun when you get here so take a minute or two and read over these tips that we hope will make your Myrtle Beach condo or vacation home rental more enjoyable.

All Elliott Beach Rental vacation homes and condos are set up for normal housekeeping.  However, the properties will NOT have paper towels, bathroom tissue, or toiletries.  Click here for a brief checklist which includes some helpful suggestions to assist you with your packing and shopping.

If you have ordered a linen package with your reservation you will receive per bed 1 fitted and 1 flat sheet, 2 bath towels, 2 washcloths and 2 pillowcases. Linens will not be available upon your arrival if not ordered in advance. If ordered, the linens will be delivered to your rental unit. Upon departure, please leave the dirty linens in the soil bag inside of the unit.

Parking Passes: It is vitally important that you display the parking passes provided to you in a visible spot of your car while your automobile is parked at the condo building where you are staying.  Elliott Beach Rentals is not responsible for towed vehicles.  For your convenience parking passes are designed to be hung from the rear view mirror.  If you take them down when you leave the property please be sure to re-hang them upon your arrival back at your condo as the homeowner’s association at each building strictly enforces the parking regulations. Trust us, your vacation money is going to be better spent taking the kids to some really fun attractions rather than paying a towing company.

Internet Access: Some properties provide internet via broadband or Wi-Fi service.  Please remember that even if internet access is provided it cannot be guaranteed.  We do have outages here at the beach from time to time.  If your internet access is not working give us a call and we will contact the homeowner of the property so that they can contact their internet service provider to get it restored ASAP.

For more tips to help your vacation more enjoyable click here.


  1. avatar

    Tracey Floyd

    August 9, 2011 at 11:17 am

    Great tips for vacationers. A fun activity is family beach portraits. It’s a great way to make a lasting memory of your vacation. Visit

  2. avatar

    Linda Silan

    February 11, 2013 at 11:42 am

    Great tips! You have explained this very well through your blog post. Thanks a lot for sharing.

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