We love our guests. We are so grateful that you choose to vacation in North Myrtle Beach and stay with Elliott Beach Rentals. While we appreciate each and every one of you, sometimes tourists make our daily lives difficult by behaving poorly while on vacation. Here are some tips to make sure the locals love you while you are on your Myrtle Beach vacation.
Road safety
There is a lot to see when driving down Highway 17. Have a passenger call out places of interest so you can focus on the road. If you are walking, please cross at designated crosswalks. Refrain from darting out in traffic. When a human and a car collide, the car always wins.
When enjoying Myrtle Beach by bicycle or moped, it is best to avoid busy roads such as Highway 17 and Ocean Boulevard. Every year it seems like someone is killed in a bicycle accident on Highway 17. Stick to side roads for safety and a change of perspective.
Everyone loves to ride a golf cart. They are fun to ride, but they make us locals mutter four letter words when we get stuck behind one on our way to work. Golf carts are allowed to cross primary roads and be driven down secondary roads. If a car is approaching, try to make room for it to pass. I’m sure your preteen will be dying to drive the golf cart, but they may only be operated by a licensed driver. For your safety, please do not drive after dark or exceed the seating capacity.
If you are bringing your pet along on your North Myrtle Beach vacation, please be mindful of other vacationers. Clean up after your pet. Be respectful of others staying near you who many not love animals by keeping your pet on a leash. I’m sure your dog is well-trained and doesn’t walk on a leash at home, but there is a leash law here.
Please do not allow your child to approach a strange dog. I love to walk my dogs on the beach in the mornings and evenings. I have one dog who loves children and one who is terrified of children. Recently, I made a child tear up because I told him he could not touch my dog that was barking and snapping at him. Always ask the dog owner before you let your child touch a stranger’s dog.
Ocean safety
The lifeguards are highly trained and excellent swimmers. It is of utmost importance that you listen to their directions when swimming in the ocean. Do not go out past shoulder height. Always keep an eye on children playing in the surf. If you are not a strong swimmer, you can still enjoy the water by skim boarding or going in knee-deep. Stay away from fishermen. Their hooks can impale you and their bait attracts larger fish.
Pick up trash
Clean up after yourself! Whether you are leaving your vacation rental or leaving the beach, please dispose of your trash properly. There are trash cans at every public beach access for your convenience. We want the beach to last a long time, so we all need to do our part to protect the landscape and wildlife.
I understand you are on vacation, so you can stay up until 6 a.m. partying. However, in the house next door to your beach rental is a family who lives here full-time. Be aware of your surroundings. Condos and beach houses are full-time residences for many. We can only tolerate so much nonsense. After you have blared music all night, had 8 cars parked in the street and ran down the street screaming at 3 a.m., I will be less likely to ask you politely to turn down the noise and more likely to call the cops next time you get out of hand.
I know there are a lot of bars in Myrtle Beach. I like to relax and drink a few when I’m on vacation, too. Please try not to get blackout drunk every day of your vacation. Stay hydrated and listen to your body. I have seen many people – both of age and underage – get ticketed for carrying an open container of alcohol down the street. That doesn’t mean you should still carry your beer down the street and toss it in my yard when you see the police drive by. Keep your alcohol at your vacation rental. Know your limits and take care of yourself.
Thank you for visiting North Myrtle Beach. We love sharing our city with you. Thank you for being the kind of guest that we look forward to seeing again. For a full list of North Myrtle Beach regulations, click here. For a full list of Myrtle Beach regulations, click here.
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